
The basics of collecting, selling, and upgrading

How it works

Each day you go out to collect trash from the river and sell trash for coins at the atm. When the day ends you go inside to buy upgrades.


Here you can buy upgrades and change costumes.

You can use the mouse here

1. Costume window

The current costume is shown with a green indicator at the top. You can change costume with the buttons at the bottom.

2. Hotbar

This shows, from left to right, how much trash is in your backpack, how many coins you have, and what your backpack capacity is.

3. Upgrades

These are upgrades that can be purchased with coins. The price of an upgrade is shown beneath it on a button. To purchase an upgrade you click the button. You can upgrade things multiple times. The upgrades are as follows:

5 increases your backpack capacity

6 increases the dino's walk speed

7 increases the price trash sells for

8 is the water filter, once you buy it you can continue playing

4. Sticky note

This show a fact about water pollution.


Here you can collect and sell trash

You can walk around with the arrow keys and interact with the spacebar

1. River

Here you can collect trash. Press the spacebar when over a trash piece to collect it

2. ATM

This is where you can sell trash. Press space when standing in front of the ATM to sell trash.

3. Hotbar

This shows, from left to right, how much trash is in your backpack, how many coins you have, and what your backpack capacity is.

4. Timer

This shows how much time is left.


Here you can sell trash

You can use the mouse here

1. Sell button

Click this too sell the trash you have collected. It takes 5 seconds to sell trash.