
Here are some helpful resources to learn more about water pollution

What is water pollution, and how is it a problem?

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances get into a water supply, making the water unsafe for humans and the environment. Drinking from water that is polluted can cause diseases. In places like Africa, where water pollution is a significant issue, over 1,000 people die each day because of diseases caused by polluted water. Water pollution also affects the environment by killing plants and animals through the toxins in the water. Our job is to preserve our wildlife and world, and making sure that our water is clean and drinkable is the first step in that incredible journey.

What are some ways I can help?

  • Don’t pour fat and grease down the drain

  • Use phosphate-free detergent and dish cleaner

  • Check your sump pump or cellar drain

  • Dispose of medical waste properly

  • Eat more organic foods

  • Reduce meat consumption

  • Avoid plastic containers

  • Keep your vehicles from leaking

  • Plant some trees

  • Make sure to pick up after your pets

  • Support environmental charities

  • Have a separate recycling bin and trash can